Bespoke Purse Pre-Order Updates


Orders placed between December 1 - December 14, 2024
Estimated to ship January - February 2025


2/14 UPDATE: The bags are still in production and this is taking a lot longer than I expected or promised - I just sent out an email to everyone who ordered a bespoke bag offering a free item to make up for the delay. Please check your email for details! 💖 Thank you so much for your patience, and I am so sorry for the delay!

1/17 UPDATE: The bags are still in production. I received more orders than I anticipated for bespoke bags so production is taking a little bit longer than I expected - I anticipate receiving and shipping these bags in February. Thank you for your patience!

12/15 UPDATE: This pre-sale has now ended and I am submitting the order to my manufacturer tonight.  Please note: your purses are expected to ship starting in January 2025. This means they can ship as early as January 1st but could ship in late January or February - it is just an estimate. I will update this page as I have more details but please be patient and we will do our best to get your bag to you within that timeline.